So what is Team Truemans all about?

The Riding School would not be the place it is today without our much loved helpers. All of our volunteers are part of the THRS family, and belong to a dedicated network (‘Team Truemans’) designed to reward initiative and enthusiasm with the opportunity to learn more about caring for, working with and training horses.


What do we want for our helpers?

We want our helpers to be so much more than just someone who turns up “to do a bit of leading, ride, maybe some grooming, and then go home”. We have a vision that all our helpers will become fantastic horsemen or women, as part of this we ask all helpers to take at least one annual ABRS Stable Management Test, we also encourage you to tell us what you’d personally like to achieve out of your time helping at THRS.

So who can join Team Truemans?

Adults are just as welcome as kids, and over the years we have seen our Team Truemans network grow from 5 helpers to over 35! You do need to be taking part in Riding School lessons, or stable management sessions (held during the summer months) to make sure you’re covered by our insurance. For children we are happy to accept them into Team Truemans once they’ve moved onto our 45 minute lessons, and a parental consent form is signed.

Where can I find out more information and download the parental consent form?

Click here to be taken to our Team Truemans Helper Booklet (including a parental permission form)

Do you also offer work experience?

Yes we do! Feel free to check out our ‘Contact Us’ page for more information on what we require, and how to apply for a place, but we offer block or weekly placements to suit. 

Any other questions? Just get in touch and we’d be happy to help!

P.S Check out this video below for an example of some of the things we want our helpers to become involved in 
– to learn more about the way horses think and to gain experience in helping horses to overcome any of their fears or worries! Here Team Truemans members are being guided through how to help Smiley get used to all sorts of different obstacles: