Meet the Team

‘Meeting the team’ at THRS means so much more than simply finding out about who the instructors are and what lessons they teach. For us, our ‘team’ is anyone who helps to promote the Magic of Riding – without those who volunteer to help with lessons, running the yard or caring for the horses, THRS would not be the place it is today.


So please check out the slideshow below to find out more about which faces you might see around the yard – instructors, owners, and volunteers included!

So how did THRS and “The Magic of Riding” all begin?

Whether you’ve been riding with us for 5 minutes or 5 years, you’ll soon come to realise how much we all owe Pete for bringing us together to share in his vision of ‘the Magic of Riding’. Over the 25 years THRS has now been established (since 1988), Pete has built up the Riding School (quite literally) with support from friends, volunteers and colleagues to become the place it is today.

After many years working for show-jumpers, team-chasers and in a variety of other equine roles, Pete decided that he wanted something different for his horses – he despaired of some of the tactics used to “break” horses in (as oppose to “starting” them), and was saddened to see what lengths people would go to to become the “best” in their chosen field. He set out with a different aim in mind, to create a business where the horses came first in every aspect possible. If you want to see more photos of THRS from back in the day, click here.

Over the years Truemans Heath Riding School has grown from a 3-horse stables to just under 30! Yet the love and loyalty for all the horses still remains the same, and it’s a testament to the Riding School to hear just how many people have stayed riding at THRS for 5, 10 and even 20 years! Although we now offer more than ever before, the basic principles of “horses first” stays core to everything that goes on at THRS. So this is a MASSIVE thank you to Pete, for starting THRS and showing so many what ‘the Magic of Riding’ is really all about.